I fell asleep for a whole hour. But it was a twilight sleep. I was constantly wiping away night sweats and drool. Then I couldn’t stay flat another second. My right nostril and sinus were plugged up and I couldn’t breathe. I got up and blew out incredible amounts of snot. I never remember this particular sensation ever in my whole life. It included coughing up equally impressive amounts of slime. And now the left side is stuck! Eeeeewewwwwww.

Then there’s my right thigh. Last week it felt like a blood clot in my left thigh. Now the other side has a big lump that is hot and painful. The left lump is still there.

Getting flat in bed is not easy. My muscles won’t relax and the groin lymphs cut off my blood supply. My feet get instantly numb. Then when I get up, feeling comes back. Nothing that is happening to me is normal……even to me! I just want to sleep. Sigh….

What a very loooooong night! I have hardly slept. The lumps all over my body were so painful that I couldn’t sleep. And as long as I was flat, I couldn’t breathe. I got up when it was still dark out.

Around 11, I put a poncho over my casual clothes and went out to mail a letter. A couple of people talked to me and I thought nothing of it that I could talk. Duh. Around noon, the hospital called and gave me a different time to show up tomorrow. My voice didn’t work. Sigh….

Yup, and now I am very weak. It takes every bit of my strength to go from my comfy chair to the bathroom with the walker. My MG is revolting against all the pain and lack of sleep. I am exhausted.

Yup, I really was! Just woke up from an almost 6 hour nap. Now my internal clock ought to be good and messed up.

I can tell there’s something weird wrong with my body chemistry. The last couple of days I have felt like crying for no reason. I am not sad. That used to happen all the time thanks to WNV. I am grateful for my WNV support groups! No matter how strange the symptoms, there are other people going through it. Same with my MG groups. With any chronic illness, docs are no help at all when it comes to day to day life.

I was afraid I wouldn’t be tired tonight after the long nap. Ha! Can’t stop yawning and can’t keep my eyes open.

The highlight of my days is Olive. She does some pretty funny and endearing things. I have a bunch of pics.



