I wondered what the heck was going on, so I went out to look. Brrrrr…low 40’s outside. Low is supposed to be mid 30’s. It has been raining all day.

I was surprised to find the whole 800 block closed off and packed with electric company vehicles. Then I turned the corner onto State Street. Wow! Orange barrels everywhere.

Now it’s after 1 AM, and the electric company guys are using a chainsaw. I am glad I got some sleep in earlier!

My spine pain has returned 😦 And…all around my port hurts. I wasn’t impressed by the nurse who needed 2 tries to access it. She had a crappy technique. Last time I had a crummy nurse, the port got full of blood clots. Sigh…

I don’t want to go to church Sunday. I wish I could take sacrament without the pain of coming and going! I am bummed that no priesthood holders ever came to my house to give me a blessing. This is the second time I was told people would come, but they didn’t.

I have doc appointments at least 3 days this next week. I am sooooo not looking forward to it 😦 Two of the appointments require complicated trips on public transportation. Thankfully one is a straight shot on TRAX. I wonder when I will get IVIg?

I don’t feel well 😦