Oh, how quickly I forget. I don’t even remember when it went away. I woke up with my tongue all swollen and sore. I guess it went with my other weakness and the difficulty talking and breathing. Bummer 😕

I really, really want to go buy some groceries today. I just went a whole week with no eggs or onions. The last time I bought those things was October 28th. I got up early and took a shower. Now all I need is energy. Ha ha ha ha!

I also have to hound the radiology department about getting my CT scan. This is ridiculous.

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I called the clinic and asked if my doctor has been gone. Yup…ever since I saw him! That’s why my tests haven’t popped up and why no one has OK’d the CT scan without contrast, or if I get contrast, I have to be premedicated with Benadryl and prednisone. Other doctors in the office have been asked to sign off on it, but they refused. I have suffered all this week with incredible pain, chills, fever, night sweats, weakness, breathing problems, loss of voice, etc because of these idiots! Over and over and over again, the health care system has been paralyzed while I suffer. I sat here day after day in a daze, hardly able to move. I am boiling mad!!!!

It’s obvious I have an infection that’s getting worse. This whole ordeal sucks big time!

Yes, I am madder than I have been in a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crap. You should hear me wheeze as I slowly exhale. It sounds like a police siren. At first I couldn’t believe it was coming from me. We are back in nasty temperature inversion season. The air is gross! I turned up the TV sound real loud. I can’t drown out the weird noises coming from my lungs.

I need to do something physical before I explode. Not easy since just sitting here feels like a work out.