There was a knock on my door around noon. By the time I got to the door, no one was in sight….but there was a padded envelope on the hallway floor. Before I got back to my chair, a FEDEX truck zoomed out of the parking lot. It wasn’t a nut….it was two nuts! πŸ™‚

After awhile, I got dressed and went out to see if anyone had a wrench. Nope, nope and nope. As I was talking to the manager, a new guy showed up in the lobby. He drives a 1979 Cadillac and looked the sort who understood fixing things. He got out his tool kits, but no luck with a metric wrench.

So….he decided to go BUY a wrench! Whoa….good guy to have for a friend. He came back and fixed my wheelchair! πŸ™‚ It took him at least 3 hours, but that’s mostly because we both talk a lot. It was maybe a half hour of solid work. He refused money for the wrench or his work.

About 6:30 PM, I decided to try out the chair. I did the small block around this building and 7-11. The chair worked great πŸ™‚ Now that it works….it seems like the not-working never happened. Huge sigh of relief here.


Looks like we are in for a nice stretch of weather. I need to get out and reconnect with the outside world. I also really need to see a doc about my left arm. It hurt like heck most of the day. The guy who fixed my wheelchair is named Brian. He wears a strappy velcro thingy for carpal tunnel. It’s time I got a new one similar to that. Brian noticed all my wincing and my jerking arms and legs. He said I reminded him of his mother with MS. Sigh….

And speaking of diseases…someone posted the cost of their 60 mg Mestinon pills that they just picked up. Β They are $15.87/pill. It takes 3 of them to equal one of my Mestinon Timespan 180’s. So 3 regular Mestinons cost a total of $47.61 and one Timespan costs $28.73. Turns out I am taking the bargain version πŸ™‚ In the old days, it was the other way around.

newripsand tears

OK, so this is backwards. That’s my left hand to the right. My belly button is that protuberance to the left in this picture. This is where 3 seams meet. the one going up is nice and sturdy. It has healed well. To the left , that took forever to heal. To the right in the pic is where my hernia caused it to rip a couple of months ago. The short white stripes are interesting….it’s my body stitching itself together. But darn! The 2 raggedy looking holes at the middle of the seams is new. It has been bleeding. Kind of looks like I got gnawed on by rats in the middle of the night. Hmmmm….that’s what I get for watching the leprosy documentary.

I want my darn belly wound to heal once and for all! It has been 1009 days since I was sliced open. That’s a long time. I can smell whatever that sickly sweet smell is that means I either need antibiotics and/or diflucan to get the wound to heal some more. I need to remember to make a doc appointment. Oh! I wrote that and realized I could do it online. I see the doc on the 15th. When they call to confirm, I will ask if I can get in sooner if someone cancels.

Earlier tonight I went through chills and creepy skin. Now I am burning up and sweating like crazy. The whole fever/chills and ripped belly was a big DUH! That’s why the night sweats have been getting worse. Well, now that my wheelchair is fixed, I can actually get to a doctor. I am excited to be mobile again πŸ™‚