

What a tough day! I had to wait almost two hours to see the doctor. The poor guy was swamped in sick people. I had never seen so many cars in the parking lot!

I liked his new nurse. It was a young guy who was soooooo sweet and nice. We had fun talking.

My doctor says I have strep throat and gave me a prescription for erythromycin. The pharmacy didn’t have that strength and they have to order it.

The doctor was REALLY MAD about the idiot neurologist. He says he has other patients with MG and they don’t go to the idiot. He wants me to call my insurance company and get a waiver to see a neurologist out of my network. That should be fun….NOT!

My doc says I am very weak from myasthenia and I need to be seen ASAP. He thinks my breathing and talking difficulties are MG related. He wants me to find an ER with a neurologist on staff who will treat me now. Doesn’t all this sound like unnecessary politics and maneuvering??? I am not amused.

When I left the doctor’s office, I fell heavily into the corridor wall. My doc looked like he was going to cry. That did it for me, I burst into tears. The poor nurse was beside himself 😦 He walked me out and was all shaken up.

I drove right to the pharmacy with my three prescriptions. I needed Rhett’s warfarin that was ready and told them I would come back tomorrow for the others. I asked if there was any way to consolidate all the meds so I wasn’t needing to go there every few days. Nope. I asked if they had any delivery options. Nope. I told him I was going to have to switch to the pharmacy that regularly delivers to my building.

Then I toodled around in the electric wheelchair to buy some food. When I got out to the RV, I discovered I had left the lights on. When I turned the key it tried to turn over in a pathetic attempt…and then just clicked.

I had 10 minutes before my PT appointment at my apartment a mile away. I tried getting the same company’s visiting nurse to call the PT, but she didn’t know their names or numbers. Then I got a phone call from “DOOR”. That was the PT trying to get in my building. We carried on a conversation through the intercom on the phone. He came and got me!!!

He picked me up in a Pontiac Solstice. OMG! It was a very low sports car. It wasn’t easy wedging me in it. When we got to the apartment, he had to come over to my side and pull my legs out.

After all I had been through, plus having to leave my walker in the RV, my walking sucked. I felt very embarrassed…and then he said he was evaluating my abilities as we went. I wanted to crawl in a hole and hide.

Once I sat down, I asked him about my wicked painful butt muscle. After he did stuff to me he wrote it down…it’s called piriformis syndrome.

He was very thorough in evaluating me to figure out how to strengthen me and he hopes to work on helping me balance.

When he left, I put the jumpstarter in a big tote and went to look for a ride. Lucky for me, the saleswoman from the visiting nurse company was in the community room. She gave me a ride back to the RV. Just like all the other times, once the battery had time to rest, it started right up. YES!

Then I hurried back to the apartment because Rhett’s visiting nurse came and checked him out, including doing his INR blood test. Finally back to 3.1.

By the time she left, I wanted to die. I made Rhett a quick supper and immediately fell asleep. I woke up when it was time for more meds.

Rhett came out and sat with me. He is scared about my weakness and laryngitis. He wanted me to go to the ER tonight. Sigh….must do some research.

Right now I feel like I am hanging on to life and health by the skin of my teeth…..