I got up at 5 AM to take meds, went back to bed at 6 and got up for real after 10. By then, last night’s rain had mostly dried up and the sun had come out. My whole left arm continues to be very, very painful. I wish I could think about something else…but the pain is so intense, that it cannot be ignored.

So….I have a working power chair, but not a working body. I considered venturing out, but the farthest I went was the mail box and garbage. Whoop, whoop! A woman I know and then the manager, stopped me to say the guy who fixed my chair was asking about me and wondering how the chair is working. I told them about going around the building last night.


My biggest excitement of the day was making brunch and eating supper šŸ˜› Brunch was made from eggs, onion, tomato and zucchini (all free), plus a sweet potato (.30), mushrooms (.25), half an avocado (.37) and 2 slices of tomato basil cheese (.40)…served with Hatch chile salsa (.35). Total $1.67.


Supper was a sweet corn tamale ($1.25), half an avocado (.37), sour cream and salsa (free) for $1.62. Even only eating 2 meals and having all that free food, I went over my $2.93/day food allotment. The meals combined cost $3.29. And that didn’t include my snacks of fresh pineapple in the morning and hot chocolate at night.

I am very grateful that I no longer have Meals on Wheels. I can nap when I want and eat when I want…but best of all, I am not ingesting those nasty chemicals šŸ™‚

That’s pretty much my whole day. I hardly remember it….except for the pain….lots and lots of pain. I hope the only reason I am this weak is the belly infection and/or arm pain making my MG mad. I was pretty darn weak and shaky today.